Thursday, November 28, 2013

Angeling's and Hero's? What da poopies is going on?

Lately a lot of fighting has been going on between roxy-1, Candired, and hollyrenee. And i think ishacool too i dont even know. At first i was like eh whatever regular drama crap. Some things are a bit....annoying though...
I'll admit, im an angeling. But some things Roxy is posting on her blog isnt true...
this post is NOT true. I liked isha and roxy-1 but i liked holly and candi more (sorry :P) so i became angeling. who said i hated you? obviously you havent met all the angelings bcos not all of us hate and find it quite offensive. Theres also this post:

ok yes Angelings are hating on you. So you have to bash all of us Angelings? you're making it sound like its ALL of us.
check this out:
this is the artbook from Hollyrenee for the Angelings. Does it say we cant like Roxy? No!
So this is also why i more strongly believe in angelings. Yes there are some haters hating on Roxy-1 from the Angelings. But why bash on us all?

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