Wednesday, January 22, 2014

OKAI SO FIRST OF ALL DONT U DARE EVEN SAY I COPIED MR.BROWNLOW, I CANT RANT IF I WANNA. also if i write caps like i just did, it means i got very mad O.O and second, there may be some "language" in this rant xD

okaiii so here we go

okay i swear, everyone is fucking depressed. All you hear is, "i cut", "i'm bullied" "ugh depression" "im tired". i mean i'll be honest, yeah, sometimes, i get sad. i say "im stupid" or something like that. but like everyone fucking diagnoses themselves with depression. I know some people are actually abused, bullied, depressed and shit but like EVERYONE PRETENDS TO BE. Or  when people are like "MY PARENTS SWEAR AT ME THEY'RE SO MEAN OMG I HATE MYSELF :'("
like get over urself, my parents swear at me too and im not cutting myself cos of it. and the whole "emo" band thing like wtf i dont even how a band could save your life did they come to your house be like "here, you were about to starve so I brought you some food, also, I'm arresting your parents for abuse. Don't worry, you'll be fine." I DONT THINK SO. lol


God damn it. People on forums are so rude now. like "ew that's from 2012 grow up ugh this is stupid" or "this is pointless". all the forums are pointles you got daym idiots xD i know not everyone does this, but like everyone is so rude. or if someone said "YAY I GOT VIP" someone will be like "GOOD FOR U NO ONE CARES". okay maybe you dont care, but do u have to say that? grow up and get some fucking manners.
~sorrynotsorry~ And what kills me is that all these rude people are the really famous forumers ~not all of them~

VIP & non VIP war:

well i know this kinda ended but sometimes people bring it up and i hate how vips are like "STOP IT YOU NON'S YOUR SO ANNOYING WE PAID FOR IT UGHHHHHH"
yeah, bitch, guess what? its always low level nonvips who complain, and VIPS are the ones who always make these forums ~not all VIPS~

1D and other bands: 

Okay children, not everyone is gonna fucking love YOUR BAND. you may think 1D is great? i hate them. But now you gotta come at me and be like "YOUR SO MEAN FGS WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU :("
Not all fans do this, but a lot do, and its like, you wonder why I hate them?

Okay, well i honestly cant think of more. The reason i made this was because i always disagree with everyone else's rants, so yeah. Uhhh. akward ending O.O...bye :D

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